
A B2B guide to customer lifecycle marketing

All the decision-makers involved in any B2B sale need to be convinced that your product or service will help them either solve a problem or meet an aim. And to keep their business, they need to be continually wooed – just like a regular consumer. Because they – and we – are all consumers. But the art of convincing prospects and wooing customers comes down to one exceptionally useful marketing discipline: manipulating data.

The path of every B2B lifecycle, from lead to customer, depends on handling the right data. That’s the data you capture and use to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, on the right channel.

This guide will keep you on your data toes. We’ll delve into the entire customer journey and pinpoint where, when, and how you can use data to drive the best B2B customer experiences.

  • Understand which data you should capture when
  • Use data to personalize content that coverts leads faster
  • Discover ways data can drive relevancy in your messaging
  • Let data unlock your marketing reach further
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