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Customer Acquisition Strategies

How to ensure your lead capture strategy is effective and compliant for 2020

Dotdigital | Customer Acquisition Strategies

Customer Acquisition Strategy is key for any digital business. In this webinar, industry leaders have a meeting-of-the-minds to share with you the strategies they look forward to implementing in 2020. Topics in the discussion include effective lead capture strategies (how to 2X your list), implementation of standard offers and how to boost with targeting rules, as well as welcome and abandoned cart offers. Additionally, the speakers delve into approaches to improving your page rank.

Hear from leading industry experts Rob Hammett of Justuno and Jonny Dixon as they discuss customer acquisition strategies for 2020, how to ensure your lead capture strategy is effective and compliant in the upcoming year, and much more.

During the webinar, they discuss:

  • Effective lead capture
  • Improving Page Rank
  • Compliance
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