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Discover Dotdigital: WinstonAI

See how Dotdigital’s AI tools can revolutionize your marketing in our expert-led walkthrough

WinstonAI writing assistance

Discover Dotdigital’s AI tools, WinstonAI, and how they help marketers create outstanding customer experiences. From generative AI copy assistance, to identifying your customer’s next move with predictive analytics, WinstonAI helps marketers create high-converting campaigns with less lift.

Our very own Phil Holman will walk you through WinstonAI’s many capabilities, and identify how WinstonAI can transform your approach to marketing.

We’ll demonstrate how WinstonAI can help you:

  • Supercharge your marketing campaigns with AI technology
  • Leverage customer data analysis for personalized messaging
  • Enhance your strategy with data-driven insights from WinstonAI

Watch on-demand now.

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