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Dotlive: A Fresh perspective on marketing personalization

Unlock the full potential of personalized marketing in this exciting Dotlive!

Watch as experts from Dotdigital and Fresh Relevance share the latest marketing strategies for crafting a profoundly personalized customer journey. Get ready to learn just how transformative personalized marketing can be for your brand’s cross-channel engagement and success.

We will share our expertise on:

  • The best recipe for unique personalized experiences include timeliness, relevancy, and channel.
  • Mastering Fresh Relevance’s platform through a dedicated training session by Tash Halligan.
  • The extensive set of content types to consider when acquiring a new customer that aren’t limited to one channel.

Use this opportunity to elevate your brand’s marketing game and exceed customer expectations at every touchpoint.

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Marketing personalization platform

One-to-one marketing is simple with Dotdigital. Personalize every touchpoint. From inbox to checkout.

Marketing personalization platform