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Dotlive Americas: Gamification marketing isn’t all fun and games

Discover how to elevate your brand’s customer engagement and loyalty with gamification.

Step into the world of gamification marketing and unlock the secrets of boosting engagement, capturing valuable customer preferences, and driving revenue – all while creating enjoyable experiences for your customers.

During this interactive session we delve into the fascinating world of gamified marketing campaigns with a presentation from Dotdigital’s Marketing Strategist, Brianna Martinez, followed by a fireside chat with preezie’s Co-Founder, Quoc Nguyen.

Here are some essential highlights:

  • Finding a balance between data collection and the user experience is key, you don’t want to overwhelm your customers with emails requesting information.
  • Gamified content can create a positive association with your brand. When customers play to win, they’re more likely to remember your brand and engage again.
  • As Google and Apple regulatory changes reshape the data landscape, harnessing zero-party data is becoming essential, and can be your ultimate tool to power personalization.

Watch the video today.

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