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Raising your marketing game: new Dotdigital features for 2024

Our Product Team outline the newest features designed to help marketers make the most of every campaign.

As we settle firmly into 2024, marketers everywhere are working hard to ensure that they’re raising their game this year. At Dotdigital, we’re here to help you attract the attention of your customers and deliver exceptional experiences.

Join Head of Product Management, Amber Robertson, plus Product Managers, Charlotte Franssen, Fred Porter and Colin Rink as they talk you through what’s new this February.

In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to sharpen your marketing skills with the new Dotdigital Academy
  • How to elevate your mobile marketing through Advanced personalization and AI support for SMS and MMS
  • Our newest ecommerce integration from Shopline and our latest verified integrations
  • How to save time with day-to-day tasks, how to create segments from campaign tags and retargeting contacts through channel extensions
  • And much more…

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