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You don’t know anything about your customers. And here’s why….

Get the answers to all your data questions.

Dotdigital | You don’t know anything about your customers. And here’s why…. | Greenlight Digital

One in three marketers doesn’t know what to do with the data they’re collecting. We are now living in an age where we can target individuals with pinpoint accuracy, and all guesswork and assumptions can be ruled out. Meaning with the right tools and strategy, we can integrate our data to understand exactly who our prospects and customers are and exactly what they want and need.

Watch this webinar and listen to Andreas and Gavin answer your data questions, tell you what you need to do with the data you collect and why the misspelled term “roulete” cost more than “roulette” in Google Ads and many more interesting data facts.

Plus how testing can help optimize the offering to your audience; because if you don’t know your data; then you don’t know your customers.

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