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2024 holiday marketing predictions

Skip the holiday scramble. Discover how you can use AI personalization, mobile and social commerce to create your dream holiday marketing strategy.
Marketer learning about 2024 holiday marketing predictions.

It might seem a bit early to be thinking about jingle bells and shopping lists, but for marketers, the holiday season is never far off. To stay ahead of the competition, here are some predictions for what will dominate the 2024 holiday marketing landscape. 

AI-powered personalization for the holidays

Sometimes, the holiday season can be overwhelming with all the shopping and searching. But what if there was a way to make the experience smoother and more personalized for both you and your customers? That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. AI will play a significant role in personalizing the shopping experience and boosting sales this holiday season.

Recommending the perfect gift (every time)

Imagine a virtual shopping assistant that suggests gift ideas to your customers. Our AI-powered product recommendations analyze your customer’s browsing history and past purchases to suggest relevant items they’re likely to love. This not only simplifies the gift-buying process but also drives significant sales growth through increased average order values, cross-selling, and upselling opportunities.

Chatbots: your 24/7 holiday helpers

No time to staff a customer service line around the clock? No problem. Chatbots powered by AI can answer frequently asked questions, provide product information, and even guide customers through the buying process. These tireless virtual assistants can ensure your customers get the support they need, whenever they need it.

Pricing that’s as smart as Santa

Staying competitive with pricing in online ecommerce is important. AI can help you develop dynamic pricing strategies that adjust based on real-time demand and customer behavior. This ensures you’re offering the best possible prices while still maximizing your profits.

Meeting customers on mobile

The smartphone has become an extension of ourselves, and holiday shopping is no exception. With mobile shopping on the rise, it’s no longer a trend, it’s a necessity. To stay ahead of the curve, ensure your brand offers a mobile experience that’s nothing short of magical.

Speed is key

Nobody likes waiting for a website to load, especially on a small screen. Make sure your website and online store are optimized for mobile users. This includes ensuring fast loading times, clear and concise product information, and easy navigation. Keep in mind that impatient shoppers are abandoning their carts at an alarming rate – don’t let a slow website ruin your holiday sales.

One-click to checkout bliss

One-click ordering options and mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay can make the difference between a completed purchase and an abandoned cart. But that’s not all. Consider offering a variety of popular payment methods to cater to your customers’ preferences. Integrate options like PayPal and Klarna alongside traditional credit card processing. The easier and faster it is to buy, the more likely you are to convert those browsing shoppers into happy customers.

Mobile-first mentality

Don’t just shrink your desktop website down to fit a mobile screen. Design your mobile experience from the ground up with progressive web apps (PWAs). This means ensuring product pages are finger-friendly, with clear calls to action and high-quality product images that showcase your offerings beautifully – even on a small screen.

Take advantage of our Dotdigital PWA for a desktop experience that mirrors the convenience of mobile. This desktop version offers a smoother workflow by providing direct access to Dotdigital without the need for browser tabs. While the look may differ slightly, you’ll find the same robust features and functionality you’ve come to expect.

Social savvy commerce

The way we shop is changing, with social media playing a central role in this evolution. Gone are the days of passively scrolling through envy-inducing vacation photos. Today, social media platforms have transformed into bustling online marketplaces, offering a seamless social commerce experience for smart shoppers.

Shoppable posts

No need to fuss with navigating websites anymore. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok now allow in-app purchases, enabling you to discover and buy products directly within the social media app. This simplifies the shopping process, allowing you to smoothly transition from browsing engaging content to purchasing the perfect item in just a few clicks.

Live shopping events

Imagine joining a virtual holiday market hosted by your favorite brand on TikTok Shop. Live shopping events make use of real-time interaction, allowing you to see products in action, receive expert advice, and even grab exclusive deals. This interactive format turns passive scrolling into an engaging experience that builds a sense of community and excitement around holiday shopping.

Engaging content

Achieving success in social commerce isn’t just about offering products. It’s also about capturing your audience’s attention with engaging content that educates, entertains, and ultimately motivates them to click the “buy now” button. Think of creative product tutorials, festive gift guides, or entertaining holiday-themed stories – all designed to display your brand’s personality and connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

Influencer marketing boom

In 2024, brands are likely to increase influencer marketing budgets by 60%. This underlines the strategy’s increasing importance for a successful holiday season. However, with numerous influencers, it’s essential to ensure that your brand stands out. Here are some key tips to leverage this booming trend:

Embrace micro-influencers

Consider partnering with micro-influencers this holiday season instead of focusing on follower counts. These individuals have smaller but highly engaged followings, often centered around specific niches. By teaming up with a micro-influencer who aligns perfectly with your target audience, you can tap into a community genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Authenticity partnerships

Customers today value authenticity. Instead of solely pursuing the biggest names, focus on fostering genuine relationships with influencers who share your brand values. Seek out creators who would organically recommend your products or services to their audience, nurturing trust and connection with potential customers.

Measure your results

Tracking and analyzing your campaign’s results will help you refine your strategy by identifying what’s working and what’s not. By utilizing data and insights, you can ensure your influencer marketing efforts contribute to a successful holiday season.

Unexpected partnerships driving engagement

The holiday season is a time for togetherness, and that spirit of collaboration is extending to the marketing world. This holiday season, expect to see brands break free from tradition and forge unexpected partnerships to reach new audiences and create a bigger impact. Here are some creative ways to leverage this trend:

The power of two

Instead of going it alone, partner with complementary brands that share a similar target audience but offer different products. For example, imagine a cozy coffee company teaming up with a local bakery to create a limited-edition holiday gift basket. This cross-promotion strategy exposes both brands to new customers and creates a more enticing holiday offering for existing ones.

Think local, win big

While big-name collaborations grab headlines, sometimes the most powerful partnerships are found closer to home. Consider teaming up with local businesses to offer unique holiday packages or experiences. 

For instance, a sporting goods store could partner with a local ski resort to offer a bundled ski package complete with equipment rentals and lift tickets. This strategy not only strengthens ties within the community but also creates a memorable and desirable holiday offering.

Spreading holiday cheer, one cause at a time

The holidays are a time for giving back, and customers are increasingly drawn to brands that align with their values. Partner with a non-profit organization and donate a portion of your sales to a worthy cause. This demonstrates your brand’s commitment to social responsibility and resonates with purpose-driven shoppers.

By incorporating these holiday marketing trends of 2024, you can create a dynamic marketing strategy that not only captivates your audience but also ensures a successful and memorable festive season for your brand. 

Embracing these trends will allow you to stay ahead of the competition, strengthen your brand presence, and connect with your audience in more meaningful ways. By being proactive and innovative in your approach, you can position your brand as a go-to choice for consumers during the holidays and beyond.

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