Ecommerce personalization platform

Personalize the customer journey from inbox to cart

  • Cross-channel personalization

    Elevate your customer engagement with bespoke cross-channel experiences

    Build a seamless, relevant experience across website, email, mobile apps, SMS and ads for stronger engagement and sales. Use AI to determine the precise experience each customer will have across channels. Personalize experiences based on personification, seasons, events, behavioral, demographic and geographic data.

  • AI-powered recommendations

    Boost sales with 40+ recommendation types

    Our machine learning algorithms use real-time customer preferences, product catalog data, and shopper’s buying and browsing history to identify the most compelling product recommendations for your cross-channel content.

  • On-site popovers

    Grow your database and convert every website visitor

    Easily create popovers that match your branding – no coding required. Serve popovers in response to an individual’s actions on your website or based on customer segment and personalize the content based on behavioral and contextual data.

  • Social proof

    Leverage product popularity and scarcity to boost conversion

    Empower your customers to make quick decisions by highlighting recent views, purchases and remaining stock. Build trust through ratings and reviews easing purchase anxiety. Turn your content into commerce with live social feeds.

  • Behavioral and geographic targeting

    Unlock real-time customer data and deliver person-to-person experience at scale

    Design custom experiences based on your customers' actions and lifecycle stage with behavioral targeting. Trigger price drop, back in stock, and low in stock emails. And personalize content based on your shoppers' location and interests. Localize offers and drive traffic to your brick and mortar stores with flexible geofences

Delight with dynamic content

Beat bounce rates with a range of content types

  • Personalized headlines that resonate

    One-size-fits-all ecommerce stores and emails are a thing of the past. Banners with real-time dynamic content allow you to keep shoppers engaged on site or with your emails by showing each shopper the offer that’s most likely to spark their interest. Put customers in buying mode by tailoring banners to their preferred categories or brands. Build trust with new shoppers by personalizing banners based on the individual’s context, such as day parting.

  • Inspire new purchases

    If you’re showing the same product recommendations to everyone, you risk leaving shoppers frustrated when suggestions don’t meet their needs. That’s where dynamic product recommendations come in. Display products precisely matched to recipient preferences and behaviors. Base them on open-time inventory and pricing data to make sure consumers aren’t left disappointed by an offer that’s expired or is no longer available.

  • Create urgency

    Countdown timers are animated clocks that count down to an important deadline, such as the end of a promotion, to build excitement. Messaging can be personalized – either based on the event, or for the individual customer. In bulk and triggered emails, countdown timers can be generated as a GIF at the moment a shopper opens the email.

  • Incentivize new customers

    Dispense individual or multi-use coupons with expiry dates and limits to acquire new customers, reduce cart abandonment, reconnect with lapsed customers and help sell excess stock. If a customer opens your email after a coupon has expired, they see ‘coupon expired’ text, rather than an out-of-date coupon.

  • Ensure open-time relevance

    Nothing’s more frustrating than to click on an email, only to find that the offers and products are no longer relevant. Using web crop technology, you can directly include current banners from your website as open-time email content. The web crop can be personalized to pull content that an individual has been exposed to onsite, e.g. their wishlist.

  • Anticipate shopper needs

    Display dynamic content based on the live weather at the shopper’s geolocation at the moment of engagement to provide them with relevant product recommendations, such as winter boots if it’s snowing. Or use the weather forecast for their travel destination to help customers book matching ancillary services.


Master CRO with powerful testing features

Maximize your ROI by quickly identifying and deploying your best-performing web content through AI-driven optimization and A/B testing. Use Auto Optimize to optimize tactics for goals such as, increasing AOV, conversion, ID rate and more. Accurately and easily track the effectiveness of marketing tactics by utilizing control groups. Enhance your GA4 reports using our analytics integration.


Build and deploy with confidence with Fresh Relevance

Design scalable personalization experiences with an easy-to-use drag and drop interface. Preview and fine tune your personalized content from the POV of your customer segment before they go live.

Integrate seamlessly

Enhance your tech stack through robust integrations

Launch your first campaigns quickly thanks to easy integrations with your existing platforms. Benefit from integrations with all off-the-shelf platforms and custom-built solutions.

Create dream customer experiences with ecommerce personalization