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5 ways to make your customer happier

Keeping customers happy is essential if you’re to boost your business growth.

Dotdigital | 5 ways to make your customers happier

The difference between satisfaction and delight lies with the customers experience of a particular interaction or transaction. We all know satisfying customers is key – but it’s a minimum standard. How do you set yourself apart from the competition and delight them instead?

Watch, as our senior trainer, David Pyle, shows you how to connect with customers meaningfully, through experiences that please.

Learn how to provide those E-X-T-R-A-ordinary experiences and boost your business growth with Dotdigital.

This webinar will cover:

  • The three things you need to align to create personalized content
  • The key to surfacing more relevant product recommendations
  • How to make your contextual messaging impactful and actionable
  • Which channels offer the best experience for your customers
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