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Ask the expert: Getting started with marketing automation for B2B e-commerce

Start using marketing automation to better serve and inform your B2B customers.

*Please note that this webinar is in Dutch

Over the past few decades online shopping has gradually become a major part of our lives. Easy-to-navigate websites give us access to a wide variety of products within just a few clicks. Nothing new there.

But while the B2C buyer’s journey is fully mapped, optimized and guided, B2B ecommerce still has some catching up to do to live up to buyers’ expectations and to manage the customer experience throughout the customer lifecycle.

Marketing automation can help you reach and inform this B2B audience, while offering tailored customer experiences and making your life a lot easier.

No one likes receiving generic marketing messages, so how can you, as a B2B marketer, make sure that you start having 1:1 conversations instead?

In this Q&A with Dennis van den Bogaard (Experius), we’ll provide useful and practical tips for you to get started with personalized and automated customer experiences through the use of marketing automation. To make sure you get all the answers to your questions, we invite you to submit all of your marketing automation related questions, and we’ll make sure to discuss those during this session.

Joining us in this session, is Dave Cloosterman from the Dutch coffee refinery, Peeze. The company serves both B2B as B2C customers and Dave will take us through their journey and show how Peeze started using marketing automation to better serve and inform their B2B customers.

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