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Dotdive into all things eRFM

In this episode of dotdive, we dive into detecting and acting on purchase intent by using eRFM.

Dotdigital | Dotdive into all things eRFM

You might be familiar with the RFM model which shows how recently (R = recency) someone made a purchase, how frequently (F = frequency) they purchased, and for what value they purchased (M = monetary).

In this dotdive series we take RFM to the next level by adding engagement to the mix. We introduce to you; eRFM. A holistic model that presents you with customer personas which are then scored based on levels of purchase intent and are ready to be converted.

What will I learn?

In this episode, our Product Marketing Manager Julia and Product Manager James show you how to identify purchase intent and introduce you to the ultimate model for uncovering revenue opportunities; eRFM.

  • What is purchase intent
  • How to identify purchase intent signals
  • Introducing eRFM
  • How to get started with eRFM
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