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Dotdive into all things lead scoring

Dive into the 5 ways to score goals with lead scoring

Dotdigital | Dotdive into lead scoring

Transform your sales funnel with lead scoring

A successful lead score model can totally transform your sales funnel, some have reported that lead quality increased by 40% within a year.

What will I learn?

In this episode of Dotdive titled 5 ways to score goals with lead scoring in 2021, Frank Brooks, Head of EMEA Marketing at Dotdigital introduces (or re-introduces) you to the concept of lead scoring as well as providing some top tips, techniques and tactics to help you come out winning when it comes to your own lead scoring model. Watch for:

  • What is lead scoring
  • Advice on how to weight your scores
  • How to approach thresholds
  • What to look for in martech
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