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The fundamentals of modern marketing

Discover how you as a marketer can deliver perfectly tailored content that your audiences will love!

Dotdigital | The fundamentals of modern marketing

Customers today demand unique experiences. ‘Batch and blast’ marketing techniques aren’t enough to keep your audiences engaged. And, if they’re not engaged, they’re not going to spend their hard-earned cash at your store.

The data needed to create powerful connections with customers is at our fingertips. As are the tools. From emails to landing pages and websites, we have endless opportunities to engage customers.

During this webinar, we’ll reveal the simple, practical tactics that drive subscribers down the funnel.

What you’ll learn:

  • The simple personalization that make a big difference, e.g. using names in subject lines
  • How adding dynamic content in emails can create 1-2-1 conversations at scale
  • The ways preference centers and web behavior tracking can help you deliver perfectly tailored content
  • Why personalizing landing pages and online experiences take customer experiences to new heights
  • The huge difference super simple design can make to customers’ experience.

Dotdigital’s very own marketing team discuss how they use the Dotdigital platform, as well as the exciting developments to come.

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