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The mobile panel webinar

Watch our ecommerce experts and learn exactly how they’ve increased conversion rates on mobile

Dotdigital | The mobile panel webinar | Dotdigital, RedBox and Klarna

Mobile conversion rate has been a thorn in the side of ecommerce growth for the last few years. Consumers shifted to using mobile to access the web and ecommerce much faster than businesses adapted to serve them there.

Not everyone is putting them into practice though, so getting your mobile experience right could give you a real advantage over your competition – helping you to wow new customers and increase sales to your existing customer base.

Watch our webinar, which was chaired by bestselling author and host of the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast Chloë Thomas, where we’ll be exploring how retailers are tackling this problem. Chloe will be joined by Aynsley Peet, Cox & Cox’s Head of Ecommerce, and Nick Stragnell, Ecommerce Consultant.

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