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Dotlive EMEA: The secret behind successful seasonal email marketing

Quick and easy methods to make your campaigns stand out during the holidays.

Do you need some inspiration to kick off the holiday season?

The festive period is approaching quickly and for a lot of us is can be tempting to recycle the same email templates we used last year.

In this Dotlive, we dive deep into some of the key tactics you can use to drive real results this season. Looking at some of the best designed campaigns from 2019, our email and customer experience experts will show you how to create engaging campaigns with minimal effort.

Join us live as you’ll learn:

  • The secret behind successful seasonal email marketing
  • Email design and tactics we loved from 2019
  • Top tips to stand out in a cluttered holiday inbox
  • How to create experiences that drive loyalty

Our Head of Strategy and Insight, Gavin Laugenie, discusses quick and easy methods to make your campaigns stand out during the holidays.

Learn now and implement straight away.

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