8 Tips To Revitalise Your Email Marketing

We speak to lots of clients who have reached a bit of a rut when it comes to their email marketing. They send the same type of message out to recipients and, while the results are ok, they know there is more they could be doing.
It’s often hard to keep coming up with fresh new ideas but, to really get the best results, it is vital!
With this in mind, here are my top tips for revitalising your email marketing campaigns!
1. Get a new template design – the look and feel of your message is absolutely crucial. It’s important to give your recipients a bit of variety though, so if you’ve been sending the same template for a while, consider changing things a little bit. Don’t forget to get a professional to help with the design, as it’s not quite as easy as you might think!
2. Keep your copy short and snappy – does your email contain vast swathes of text? We read very differently online than we do offline, so try and keep your sentences and paragraphs short and to the point. This will keep your recipients engaged and they will be more likely to take action.
3. Experiment with more images – the old saying really is true: a picture is worth a thousand words! Including more images in your emails can help you deliver more of a bang. Keep an eye on your open rates however as sometimes, if your recipients have images turned off as standard, they might not be able to see you full message first time. If in doubt, segment your list and see if you get better results with more images or not. Or alternatively, apply for email accreditation and your emails can in some circumstances have images turned on by default.
4. Try using a friendly ‘from’ email address – friendly ‘from’ addresses are a great way to inspire confidence in your recipients and encourage them to open your email. If you don’t have a friendly ‘from’ address, then consider investing!
5. Segment and test – segmenting your recipient list and then testing different aspects of your campaign is a great way to find out elements that could be improved. We’ve put together a handy list of different parts of your email campaign that can be tested.
6. Give your subject line a makeover – your subject line is the first thing your recipients will see and so is vital to improve open rates. Therefore it must pack a real punch to convince your recipients to open. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your subject line.
7. Start collecting more data about your recipients – if you want to really start doing some advanced segmentation and targeting, then you’ll need to collect more data about your recipients. You can do this by linking your email marketing platform up with your CRM database and/or by running a survey.
8. Include social media sharing links – after you’ve made all these changes to your email, I’m sure your recipients will be delighted with the messages they are receiving. Chances are they might want to share the message with their like-minded friends. To encourage this, include social media sharing links in your email message. Don’t forget to include a subscribe button too so that the new people that read your message can sign-up to receive further emails in future.
Have you tried any of these? Have they worked? Let us now in the comments. And make sure you subscribe to our blog to get our regular tips and best practice email marketing advice.