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How to train your ChatGPT: powerful prompts for marketers 

Marketing on repeat? Hit refresh by utilizing generative AI. Discover powerful prompts to spark creativity and keep your audience glued to your brand.

Generative AI is creating a lot of buzz in the marketing world. Tools like ChatGPT, have the potential to transform how we market, interact with customers, and automate tasks.

To leverage this technology effectively, it’s important to understand how to train your ChatGPT. You’re in the right place for that.

In this post, we’ll guide you through training your ChatGPT and provide specific prompts that you can use to maximize the benefits of AI technology.

ChatGPT for market research

ChatGPT can help you learn important information about the people you want to reach, the latest trends in your industry, and the other brands you’re up against. This can include analyzing social media conversations, conducting surveys, or even generating insights based on existing market data. By using ChatGPT for market research, you can gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and make more informed marketing decisions.

Identifying your target audience


“Describe the ideal target audience for our[product or service] in terms of demographic, behavioral, and psychographic characteristics.”

Competitor analysis


“Analyze the marketing approach of our top three competitors in[industry]. Provide insights about their strengths and weaknesses, and areas where our brand could differentiate itself in the market.”

Trend forecasting


“List the top five emerging trends in the[industry] that could potentially impact our marketing strategy in the next 12 months.”

ChatGPT for email marketing

By using ChatGPT, you can enhance your engagement, click-through rates, and connect with your subscribers. With the right prompts, you can create attention-grabbing subject lines and optimize your content for better open rates.

For cold outreaches


“Create a cold outbound email to a potential customer for our product [X] (e.g., organization, company, service, or product).”

Welcome emails for new subscribers


“Write a warm and engaging welcome email for new subscribers who just joined our mailing list. Briefly introduce our [product/service] and guide them on how to get started.”

Follow-up emails after product demo


“Craft a follow-up email to be sent after a product demo, recapping the main features and benefits we discussed and providing the next steps for interested prospects.”

Re-engagement emails for inactive subscribers


“Design a re-engagement email targeting subscribers who have been inactive for the past six months. Incorporate special offers or incentives to encourage them to re-engage with our brand.”

Upsell and cross-sell emails for existing customers


“Develop an upsell or cross-sell email promoting a related[product/service] to our existing customers who have already purchased product [X]. Highlight the value and benefits of the new offering.”

Change email for desired audience


“This email is to [audience]. Please rewrite it with[another audience] in mind. Their pain points are[pain points.] Be sure to keep the tone similar.” 

CTA optimization


“Suggest three different call-to-action (CTA) phrases for our[product or service] landing page that effectively encourage users to complete the desired action.”

ChatGPT for content marketing

ChatGPT is a powerful tool for enhancing your content marketing efforts. It can help by creating compelling meta-descriptions that grab the reader’s attention, finding trustworthy statistics to back up your content, and inspiring creativity in the brainstorming and ideation process for your content. With ChatGPT, you can take your content marketing to the next level.

Generating meta-descriptions


“Write a 160-character meta description for the blog post below.”

Adding statistics to a blog post


“I need statistics from credible reports for a blog post. List [number] websites that publish[industry] reports.”


Are you struggling with blog post ideas or facing writer’s block? Stop staring at a blank page. Here’s how to leverage ChatGPT for brainstorming:


“Based on current industry trends and recent competitor content, list ten blog post topics relevant to [your industry]. Each topic should address a specific pain point faced by [your target audience].”

ChatGPT for SEO

ChatGPT is a valuable resource for streamlining and enhancing various SEO tasks. You can conduct audits, create blog outlines, generate keyword lists, and optimize long-tail keywords using effective prompts.

Conducting SEO audits


“Conduct an on-page SEO audit for this webpage [URL].”

Creating blog outlines


“Create a detailed blog outline on the topic [insert topic title] with H2, H3, subheading, and bullet points.”

Generating a keyword list


“Generate a list of [number] keyword ideas on the topic [insert topic] for [target audience].”

Generating long tail keywords list with search intent


“Provide [number] long tail keywords related to [topic]. Match each keyword with any of the four types of search intent.”

ChatGPT for advertising

ChatGPT can help you save time and effort by creating compelling ad copy. You can also create corresponding landing page content that boosts conversions and aligns with your marketing goals.

Keyword research


“Identify the top ten high-performing keywords for our [product or service] to use in our PPC campaigns targeting [target audience].”


Writing ad headlines and descriptions

“Compose three eye-catching headlines and two engaging descriptions for a Google Ads campaign promoting our [product or service] to [target audience].”

Crafting display ad copy


“Develop a concise and compelling display ad copy for our[product or service], targeting [specific audience segment], focusing on the unique selling points that would appeal to this demographic.”

ChatGPT for social media marketing

You can utilize ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate engaging and targeted content for your social media platforms. It’s a great way to keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have to say.

Planning a social media campaign


“Craft a[number of months] social media campaign calendar for our [name of product] with the goal of [Y] and mention the relevant channels to focus on.”

Crafting Facebook ad copies


“Write a compelling Facebook ad copy for our [product or service] targeting [target audience], focusing on the unique selling proposition and benefits.”

Generating tweet ideas


“Create five tweet ideas highlighting the key features and benefits of our [product or service], targeting [target audience].”

Influencer outreach


“Draft a personalized message to [influencer’s name], a top influencer in our niche, inviting them to collaborate with our brand on a promotional campaign.”

ChatGPT for event marketing

ChatGPT can assist in creating compelling event descriptions, drafting engaging promotional materials, and even providing real-time support during the event itself. Its ability to understand and generate human-like text makes it a powerful tool for enhancing all aspects of event marketing.

Event planning and concept development


“Create a unique and memorable event concept for our upcoming product launch, which will excite and engage our [target audience].”

Email invitation


“Draft a captivating email invitation for our upcoming marketing event, targeting[target audience]. Highlight key event details and benefits for attendees.”

Post-event follow-up


“Compose a thoughtful post-event follow-up email, thanking attendees for their participation and summarizing the key takeaways from the event.”

ChatGPT for video marketing

With ChatGPT, you have the power to streamline your video marketing efforts. By effortlessly generating compelling scripts and extracting valuable insights, you can enhance your marketing campaigns and captivate your audience.

Video content ideas


“Generate five video content ideas that promote [product or service], targeting [target audience], and showcase the product’s key benefits.”

Creating video introductions


“Create an attention-grabbing video introduction that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.”

Generating YouTube video titles


Generate a list of catchy YouTube video titles for [topic of your choice].”

Writing video scripts


“Write a brief two-minute video script explaining the features and advantages of our [product or service] to [target audience].”

Creating video ad campaign concepts


“Develop a high-level concept for a video ad campaign to promote our [product or service] to [target audience], focusing on emotional appeal and storytelling.”

ChatGPT for branding and messaging consistency

You can utilize ChatGPT to ensure that your marketing messages consistently embody your brand’s tone and values across all communication channels.

Developing a brand mission statement


“Craft a powerful and concise mission statement that captures the essence of our brand and reflects our values and purpose.”

Creating a brand voice and tone guide


“Design a voice and tone guide for our marketing communications, setting the tone and style for different types of content and channels.”

ChatGPT for marketing analytics and reporting

With ChatGPT, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on data-driven analysis. Whether it’s understanding customer behavior, tracking campaign performance, or uncovering market trends, ChatGPT can help you extract meaningful information and streamline your reporting process. 

Analyzing marketing KPIs


“Evaluate the performance of our recent marketing campaign by analyzing key KPIs such as conversion rate, cost per acquisition, and ROI.”

Generating insights from data


“Based on the data from our latest customer survey, identify potential areas of improvement for our [product or service] or marketing strategy.”

Creating actionable reports


“Summarize the performance of our Q2 marketing initiatives and provide actionable recommendations for Q3 based on the analysis.”

How to utilize AI prompts

Now that you have a comprehensive list of ChatGPT prompts across different marketing disciplines, let’s look at how you can put these powerful prompts into action.

Step 1: Choose your prompt

Identify the specific outcome you want to achieve and choose the appropriate prompt from the list above. Customize the prompt by replacing placeholders, like [product or service] and [target audience], with information that is specific to your brand or industry.

Step 2: Input the prompt into ChatGPT

Open up your chosen AI platform and input the customized prompt. Depending on the platform you use, you may be able to set parameters, such as temperature and maximum tokens. These settings determine the level of creativity and the length of the response. You should play around with these settings to achieve the desired outcome.


A higher value (e.g., 0.8) will result in a more creative output, while a lower value (e.g., 0.4) will produce a more focused and deterministic response.

Maximum token

This determines the length of the response. Adjust the value according to your specific requirements.

Step 3: Review and refine the AI-generated response

After submitting your prompt, ChatGPT will quickly generate a response based on the given instructions. Review the output to ensure it meets your expectations and aligns with your marketing objectives. 

Edit the response. You should make adjustments to grammar, structure, tone, or any other aspects you find necessary to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the content.

It’s essential to remember that while ChatGPT can generate powerful and useful content, it requires some tweaking and customization on your part. Make sure to check for accuracy and relevance before implementing the generated output in your marketing campaign.

Step 4: Apply the response in your marketing strategy

Once you’ve reviewed and refined the AI-generated content, you’re ready to implement it in your marketing campaigns. Use the optimized output, whether it’s an ad copy, a social media post, or a meta description, to enhance your marketing efforts and achieve better results.

How does Dotdigital use generative AI?

Dotdigital uses generative AI to offer a helping hand throughout your marketing workflow. Our WinstonAI is designed to free up your time for creative thinking and strategic planning by tackling repetitive tasks with superhuman speed and accuracy.

Generative AI for effortless email and SMS

Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to faster, more effective campaigns. We all know crafting compelling copy takes time and skill. WinstonAI in Dotdigital acts as your personal copywriting assistant, supporting you throughout the entire process – from subject line creation to crafting the perfect campaign message.

Here’s how Dotdigital’s WinstonAI streamlines your workflow:

  • Subject line magic: Stuck on a subject line? No problem. WinstonAI analyzes your past campaigns and suggests tailored options that resonate with your audience.
  • Content curation: Need a spark for your email body? Generative AI provides suggestions and tips to keep your message on point.
  • Flawless grammar and tone: Ensure your copy is always polished and professional with built-in grammar and spell check.
  • Versatility at your fingertips: Fine-tune your message by rewriting copy in different tones or expanding or shortening it for optimal length.
  • Emoji power: Add a touch of personality with emoji suggestions that complement your text.

By analyzing up to 25 of your previous subject lines, WinstonAI tailors suggestions specifically for your campaigns and target audience. This translates to faster campaign creation, improved accuracy, and messages that resonate with your subscribers.

In short, our WinstonAI gives you back precious time to focus on the creative aspects of your marketing strategy, while ensuring your campaigns are always error-free and deliver results.

Start using generative AI to streamline your workflow

So there you have it. You’ve just learned how to use generative AI for your marketing strategy. Keep experimenting with different prompts and make adjustments along the way. This will help you use AI tools to support your marketing efforts effectively. As you get better at using AI, you’ll find that it becomes really helpful in making your marketing work smoother and getting better results.

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